What Does an Electrical Certificate of Compliance Indicate?
An Electrical Certificate of Compliance (ECOC) or an ECOC is a legal document. It verifies the compliance of an electrical installation on the inspection date.
The document does so with all the legal requirements mentioned in South Africa’s Electrical Installations Occupational Health and Safety Act. It is essential because all electrical appliances need regular assessment to ensure safety.
Generally, an individual receives an electrical compliance certificate after their property inspection. It proves the building complies with the specific regulations, permitting the continued transfer of its proprietorship during the sale. The document needs several tests to get carried out on fixed electrical equipment and wiring.
To summarize, an electrical COC ensures:
Frequently-Asked Questions (FAQs)
How to receive an electrical compliance certificate?
The only way of getting an electrical COC is from a registered electrician. Before the issue, the latter must inspect all electrical installations within the building. In addition, they must ensure compliance with the legal requirements and regulations mentioned in the Electrical Installations Occupational Health and Safety Act of South Africa.
What does it cost to issue an electrical compliance certificate?
Generally, an electrical COC issue cost depends on the work degree necessary for fixing the electrical installation. Without any faults, the price can range between R850 and R1,500. However, the cost can increase to R1,000, R15,000, or even more when any defect exists.
What is the validity of an electrical compliance certificate?
The validity of an ECOC in South Africa is for the lifetime of any specific electrical installation. However, it is so until additions or alternations become necessary and get carried out. In such cases, a new ECOC must get issued.
How much time is necessary to receive an electrical certificate?
The overall time required for an electrical COC issue depends on the property size, issues identified during the inspection, and the number of electrical circuits. Suppose an installation has no faults. In that case, it can require about 2-5 hours. Otherwise, it may take several days to issue an ECOC if an electrical installation has defects.
Is it legally necessary to get an electrical certificate?
An electrical COC is a legal document the Occupational Health and Safety Act (OHSA) drafts. It gets placed upon a property owner, compelling them to ensure the electrical installations’ safety. They should also check to prevent threats to animals, humans, or buildings. Here’s how to get an electrical compliance certificate.
Are an Electric Fence Certificate and an Electrical Compliance Certificate Necessary When Selling a property?
In South Africa, an Electric Clearance Certificate (ECC) is necessary to build, sell, or renovate a property. The document gets validated by the Electrical Conformance Board of South Africa (ECB) and the Electrical Contractors Association of South Africa. It proves that any work done on the property follows the required regulations. Thus, a licensed and qualified electrician is necessary for performing maintenance, repairs, and installation.
A seller must produce an ECC before selling their property. The ECOC ensures the correct functioning and safety of the building’s electrical circuits and electrics. Furthermore, it proves the property has appropriate bonding and earthing and remains free from malfunctioning electrical work that can otherwise lead to hazards.
Thus, it is now mandatory to show a valid Electric Fence Certificate of Compliance (EFCOC) to conclude a property ownership transfer.
Who Can Perform an Inspection for an Electrical Compliance Certification?
An ECOC inspection must get carried out by an accredited and qualified individual like a registered electrician. The professional would have to validate the conformity of the electrics to the South African wiring code (SANS 10142-1)-Requirements for Electrical Installations.
Transfer attorneys are necessary as they must prove the ECOC has gotten signed off by a registered electrician. The certificate, in turn, ensures the insurance covers various aspects when hazards occur due to the electrical installations.
What Steps Get Undertaken During an Electrical Certificate of Compliance Inspection?
An electrician undertakes the following steps and works during an ECOC inspection:
Ensure the electrical installations get used as intended and have not gotten compromised in any way